intro : alice

call me alice.
welcome to my wonderland.

being 'owned' by 13 cats indoor, i'm always on the look out for toys that cats 'really' enjoy.

i know cats loves simplicity, crackling sound, strings, movement, a little weight to throw up in the air, cushiony  pillow to bunny kick and, in my household, CATNIP!

what makes a good catnip toy?
generous amount of good, well-preserved catnip with high oil content.
speaking of oil content, it is known that catnip growing in high altitude carries such trait! (oh well, that strike-off my plan of growing catnip in Kuala Lumpur!!! - also, the other fact - I totally suck at gardening!)

i am selling what i've made for my wonderful 'piranha-like' cats online - my cat toys are of generous amount of catnip!!! i want to make them happy!! :)

For photos, updates of my 13 piranha-like cats, and silly stories, do pop over to my original blog at