Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Cats :- Meet Hannah & Lucy !!!

Wanna see a very 'well-loved', 'very-much-appreciated' , 'soon-to-retire'- Silvervine P-Low?
Then, you gotta meet Hannah & Lucy!!!
(All photos courtesy of Hannah & Lucy!)

Meet Lucy!!! 

Meet Hannah!!!

 More than a year ago, during our time of need with Lucky, many bloggie friends have sincerely helped us with Lucky's medical fund.
Sue, Hannah & Lucy are among these incredible bloggie friends.

You must really read Hannah & Lucy's post when they first received the Silvervine P-Low.

And the state of "Silvervine P-Low", three months later!
Lucy sure 'loved' it to bits!

Thank You Sue, Hannah & Lucy!!!

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